In spite of the diverse manifestation of congenital vascular defects, the wide range of treatment methods available offer a very good chance of recovery. Even in the case of forms that have thus far never been cured, with the suitable treatment the prospects of a positive development are good. Both non-surgical and surgical methods represent suitable forms of treatment, whereby each course of treatment must be personally tailored to the patient and his/her condition. In so doing, the goal is always to improve, or even normalise the disrupted blood flow or circulation.
Six different treatment tactics have proven effective internationally for more than 40 years:
Long-term studies, conducted within the context of a so-called multi-centre study of these treatment methods, with a sample group of 2,000 patients, came to the following conclusion, whereby the objective findings of the follow-up examinations, and the subjective findings of the patients were considered: exceptional results 15 %, good results 42 %, improvement in the findings 34 %, relevant persistence/recurrence 5 %, no improvement 1.5 %, deterioration 0.9 %, amputation 0.7 %, lethal outcome 0.3 %.
Regardless of which tactic is adopted, the success of the treatment is highly dependent on the severity of the disease and the age of the patient. Younger patients in particular speak very positively of the various treatments. Thus, for example, in children with a difference in leg length, the optimal time for the commencement of treatment by means of vascular surgery is between the ages of three and seven. In this case the result can be partial, or even complete compensation for the difference in leg length, i.e. length compensation. If leg length compensation is not achieved, or if it is only partially achieved through treatment of the vascular malformation alone, additional therapeutic measures are available, such as the fusing of the growth areas (epiphysiodesis) or corrective surgery on the bones themselves.
In order to normalise the blood circulation, several treatments or surgical steps are often required. The excessively rapid deflection of the blood flow could cause considerable impairment, as the vessels that were previously under little strain must first become accustomed to the new volumes of blood. Specific aftercare is generally not required. The affected areas should, however, be well monitored in order to detect the formation of new vessels at an early stage.
Prof. Dr. Loose has now treated more than 3,200 patients with congenital vascular malformations using the aforementioned methods of treatment and has personally performed more than 6,000 successful operations. The patients are thoroughly examined by Prof. Loose, or Dr. Gebhardt, in advance, in the Facharztklinik Hamburg. Additional special examinations are generally required, which are carried out by specialised diagnostic centres in Hamburg or in other German cities, before a personally tailored, definitive treatment concept can be developed.
Prof. Loose M.D. and Dr. Gebhardt treats both private patients and State Health Fund patients (following acceptance of costs by the statutory health insurance company on a case-by-case basis).
Arrange an appointment for an initial examination
Telephone Prof. Loose (Tuesday and Thursday 9-12 h):
+49 (0)40 84 50 29 34
Languages: German, English, Spanish, Italian